Users should also note that where a URL for the update catalog is not specified, network administrators may have implemented transparent update redirection by manipulating DNS entries on a local server for URLs such as;,,,
Check the SUS server settings
To check you current SUS settings, issue the following command from a terminal;
- /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print /Library/Preferences/
- /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print ~/Library/Preferences/
The above commands would produce an output similar to the following;
Dict {
LastAttemptSystemVersion = 10.7.2 (11C74)
LastRecommendedUpdatesAvailable = 0
RecommendedUpdates = Array {
CatalogURL = http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:8088/index.sucatalog
LastResultCode = 2
ScheduleFrequency = 1
LastUpdatesAvailable = 0
LastAttemptDate = Thu Jul 26 10:37:51 EST 2012
LastSuccessfulDate = Thu Jul 26 10:37:51 EST 2012
Change the SUS server settings back to Apple's default
Delete the CatalogURL entry by issuing the following command to force the IU software update to connect to Apple's URL
Delete the CatalogURL entry by issuing the following command to force the IU software update to connect to Apple's URL
- defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL
To change the SUS server
To change the SUS server to any other value issue the following command from a terminal;
- defaults write CatalogURL 'http://SERVER:PORT/index.sucatalog'